Become a Member

When you join Community Associations Institute (CAI), you are joining with one membership both the national organization and a local chapter...doubling your access to resources and education.  CAI offers different types of memberships to suit your needs:

Homeowner Leader: if you live in a common interest development, you will want to be part of our organization in order to gain valuable resources, referrals, and education, which will give you the tools to govern your community responsibly and effectively.

Individual Community Manager: Whether you are an onsite or portfolio manager, join us to create a rewarding career in community management. CAI offers excellent manager education courses, both at the national and local level, and access to service providers who understand and know how to effectively meet the needs of homeowners associations and their managers.

Management Company: CAI gives your company the tools to manage communities. Joining CAI as a management companies is an opportunity to be listed in the membership directory and for the Chapter Office to refer you when homeowners associations are looking for new management.

Association Membership: Join up to 15 members of your board of directors for one low price so they can receive the education and resources necessary to govern the community responsibly.

Business Partner: Join CAI as a company in order to network with homeowner leaders and community managers and gain their business. Various levels of sponsorship at our events allow your company to highlight its products and services and promote them one-on-one with prospective customers.

Student: If you are considering a career in community management, join CAI to learn about the industry, available internships, and job opportunities.